Project Name
Reducing Gender Based Violence and Protecting Survivors through awareness and capacity building, comprehensive shelter support and legal service
1st August, 2018 to 31st July, 2019
Medicine du Monde – France
Dhaka, Gazipur, Jessore and Rajshahi
Total: 1255 (G: 640, B: 300, M: 120 & F: 195)
Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres, including trafficking and sexual and other types of exploitation.
Aim and objective
Women and children are protected from Gender base violence (GBV), Commercial sexual abuse, exploitation and trafficking (CSAET) and other forms of violence in Bangladesh.
Activity :
Awareness session on Health & hygiene with the children in the shelter
Awareness session on psycho education with the children at Shelter home
Awareness session on GBV and CSAET issues with the children at school level through class room session
Develop student forum to prevent GBV and CSAET at school level
Sensitization meeting with teachers and SMC members
Sensitization meeting with Health Institution (Gazipur shodor hospital) at Gazipur
Project Orientation to the project staffs on CSAET & GBV for smooth handling to the survivors.
Training to the Law Enforcement Agency on CSAET & GBV for smooth handling to the survivors.
Capacity building support to the shelter children on GBV, & CSAET United Nations Convention on Rights of the Children (CRC), life skills
Capacity building support to the school teachers and SMC members on CSAET & GBV issues at school level
Function legal counselling service delivery centre at Dhaka, Rajshahi and Jessore
Receive complaints and provide legal support to the GBV and CSAET survivors
legal counselling support to the GBV and CSAET survivors to increase knowledge of legal Rights.
New cases filing (15) under 3 legal counselling service delivery centres at Dhaka, Rajshahi and Jessore.
(20) survivors rescued from GBV and CSAET and in high risk situation from the project areas
Food support following minimum standard of care to GBV and CSAET survivors (40)
Self-hygiene and materials to children and youth (40)
Family Identification
Re-integration support to children and youth (15) to hand over their family
Medical support to GBV and CSAET survivors (30) by assigned doctor
Special medical support to GBV and CSAET survivors (10) at shelter home
Provide Referral support for GBV and CSAET survivors from dedicated health institutions
Counselling support to Children and Women (65, 40 from MDM and 25 from another project) on GBV and CSAET issues at shelter home.
2 Recreational trips for mental recovery and trauma
Special Day Observation
Provide internal vocational training to Children and youth (30) by the vocational trainer
Provide external skill training to children (5) from renowned external vocational centre