
Action for Reducing Islamic Radicalization and Violence Extremism through Awareness and Advocacy

Project Name

Action for Reducing Islamic Radicalization and Violence Extremism through Awareness and Advocacy.


1st January 2019


Manusher Jonno Foundation


Dhaka, Gazipur, Manikgonj sadar, Munshigonj




Prevention of Islamic Radicalization and Violent Extremism through Awareness and Advocacy

Aim and objective

Activites under Advocacy :

  1. Advocacy/ sensitization Meeting with Islamic Foundation
  2. Meeting with Imam and Masjid committee to sensitize them about the project at Dhaka and project areas. ( Dhaka-1 and Project area-6)
  3. Meeting with the authority of religious ministry to discuss about the project and content focusing on how to reduce/ end Islamic radicalization and violence extremism.
  4. Meeting with the consultant and senior employee about the content development (will be discussed during class period)
  5. Advocacy meeting with the Higher authority of the Ministry in presence of Minister to discuss about content and TVC.
  6. Advocacy and sensitization meeting with Madrasha Education Board


Activities under Awareness and Campaign

  1. Meeting with the consultant and senior employee about the content development
  2. Meeting with the consultant and senior employee about the TVC development
  3. TVC development by the consultant
  4. Airing TVC
  5. Up load TVC & others post at Face Book


Proposed activities are sharply aligned with above mentioned issues; the project has plan to conduct Advocacy/ sensitization Meeting with Islamic Foundation to sensitize then and make them supportive so that the project can reach all the Imam of targeted areas. The purpose of the activity is to engage Imam to deliver the message during Friday Prayer (Juma Prayer) focusing the effect of Islamic redicalization and violence extremesim, the role of guardian to look after theirĀ  boys. In order to do that the project will organize meetings with Imam in the project targeted areas. BNWLA consider the Relegion Ministry as the apex body of duty bearers with whome the project should have lobby and laison so that the organization can execute their project activities easily. Even the project has plan to have meeting with the authority of religious ministry to discuss about the project and content focusing on how to reduce/ end Islamic radicalization and violence extremism. The project has an activity to conduct advocacy meeting with the Higher authority of the Ministry in presence of Minister to discuss about content and TVC, the aim of the activity is to get approval on the content as well as TVC which will help project to aware the targeted beneficiaries as well as mass. The project will conduct advocacy and sensitization meeting with Madrasha Education Board aiming to sensitize them and get their support to prevent Islamic Redicalizatio and violence extremesim. As per the project plan the project will develop TVC and airing it through TV channels and upload it in the Facebook, the purpose of the activity is to aware the targeted beneficiaries as well as mass.

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